Monday, August 27, 2007

Google Profits

Google Profits
Instant Start Guide
Start making money within the hour

Warning: This guide is basically a cheat sheet to the main Google Profits ebook. I highly recommend reading the main ebook first and then using this guide as a quick reference. This guide will tell you the steps to take to start making profits instantly, but it does not provide the extensive knowledge that you will need to make key decisions. The main ebook provides that information.
Print this Guide for quick reference

Google Profits Instant Start Guide
  1. Join ClickBank
  2. Choose a quality affiliate product to advertise from ClickBank to use for your first test campaign.
  3. Open an account with Google AdWords. We will be setting up a test campaign to test the profitability of the affiliate product that you choose from ClickBank. (You are required to start an ad campaign when opening an AdWords account. Because of this, steps 4,5,6 and 7 are all part of opening the account).
  4. Write an ad to test the profitability of the ClickBank affiliate product that you choose. The ad must be effective and efficient.
  5. Make a list of highly focused keywords. HIGHLY FOCUSED!
  6. Set your max cost per click at 1% of the product commission you get paid per sale. (if you get paid $20 per sale, your max CPC should be $00.20)
  7. Set the campaigns daily costs at a level you are comfortable with. ($10 - $50 should be sufficient)
  8. Wait for the test campaign to receive 300 clicks. 300 clicks is the magic number, you should know if the affiliate product is going to be profitable by 300 clicks.
  9. Eliminate the test campaign if it received no sales by 300 clicks. If this happens, return to step 2 and test another product.
  10. If the test campaign received some sales but is still hard to tell if it’s going to be profitable, make some adjustments to try to make it profitable. (Change the ads wording, change bid amounts, allow 200 more clicks). Remember this is a judgment call; you can always drop the campaign if you don't feel that making adjustments will make it profitable.
  11. Only do these remaining steps if you have a profitable test campaign. Move from test campaign mode to full-fledged campaign mode. Make incremental increases in your bid amounts to find the most efficient bid price. Add several more related search terms to the campaign. Run multiple ad per campaign to find the most efficient ad.
  12. Monitor your new campaigns daily. Once they prove themselves then you only need to monitor them once or twice a week.
  13. If your campaign starts to become unprofitable because of uncontrollable reason (competition, product relevancy etc.) try tweaking parts of the campaign. If that does not work, then consider scrapping it and start testing new products.
  14. If after two weeks, your campaign is still profitable, consider expanding to another pay per click search engine. (Findwhat Looksmart kanoodle enhance epilot). You can increase your profits big time doing this.
  15. This whole process is continuous. After you have a profitable campaign running smoothly, go back to step one and start testing to find another profitable campaign.
If you want to download Google Profits ebook click here

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